Improve your English from today

Want to Enhance your English- Follow this simple tips daily

Some changes on daily basis will definitely help you to improve your English language. By spending one or two hours time in our daily routine you will learn and improve in your English language with ample vocabulary collections instantly without even knowing about that.

article for better listening, fluent speaking and for power writing

Change your language to English

The first step is to change your operating language in English on your phone as well as in your computer which most of us use it on the daily basis. Now, if you are a beginner it might be a little difficult for you but in eventually you will end up having lots of words for your vocabulary. 

It will help you learn a lot of new words. Of course, we also have an option for facebook and twitter of using the native language. But instead of using your mother language switch to English. Trust me you will learn more by doing this.

English news - watch or read

Read and watch your daily news in English on your TV channels. Rather than picking up newspapers on your local language, start picking up English newspapers. Start watching the news on BBC, CNN channels would build your listening skills. 

So watching the news is updating yourself with current affairs and also it would help you to build your vocabulary. The next time when you are watching the news or buying the newspaper make sure you do that in English.

Listen to English song with lyrics

Do you love English music and at the same time struggle to understand the lyrics. Then just google out the lyrics and download it. Once you get the lyrics in front of you listen to the music and sing the song. 

In fact, singing would help you to get those words out of your mouth. Because when you enjoy singing, automatically English words will pour out of your mouth. Happy Singing enjoy.

 Read children's book and watch cartoon

Don't be embarrassed by doing this. Don't think like I am not so small to read these books. Just go ahead and do that. Why because the language that is used in the children's books is of course for children. So no big words are used but simple English is used which children can understand.

So once you start reading those books it would help to understand the words. There are a lot of pictures and illustrations are given so you would know what they are talking about or what is written about. Same applies when you are watching cartoons.

Practice to write daily

If you start to maintain a book it would help to write better. What you have to do is every night you should write something about what you did on that day. You can also use the new phrases or words you have learnt. In this way, you can build your English well.

Either when you talking to people you can pick up some words or from the dictionary. Make sure you put it in that book. And then whenever you want to refer just quickly have a look and you can remember instantly. 

Speak with your partner

What you can do is find a partner to practice the English language. It may be a friend or family friend or your office colleague. Go ahead and start to practice daily. Because the more you practice language will come naturally to you. So rather than being nervous or trying to struggle with words just speak. 

If you do any mistake your partner will correct that. So eventually you will be really confident and then you will start to speak English very fluently. Find a person whom you going to practice and start from today

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