Things not to do in 2019

Hope you will make great things in 2019. Welcome people!

Don't reveal your bigger goals anybody even if it may be your life partner. When you tell your goals to others they will congratulate your effort. You can feel some satisfaction and so that you could slow down your effort a little from the beginning.

Do help other needy people. But don't look for publicity.

Don't give a chance for others to make a judgment on you.

Don't show your wealth in your society.

Do keep your religion in your deep mind. Don't argue with others in your real life in the name of religion.

things not to do

Don't speak the negatives of a person to another person. They may think you are doing it with all person.

Don't take privacy photos or videos if possible. The Internet is so dangerous thing.

Don't wait for your turn. Do learn from others experience too.

things to do in your life

Don't spread rumors. Do know the truth and speak.

Don't do things with expectations. Because you may feel if the things are not gone right.

Don't over built-up yourself.  If people are not getting excited things will go wrong.

things not to do in your life

Don't consult your personal problems with neighbours. Do speak with the concerned person and solve the problem.

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