Google maps earth views of the new seven world wonders

Google maps view gives current satellite images and clear street views across all over the world.It gives the image of world map including every continents,oceans,mountains,rivers,valleys,monuments and all other parts of the world.

Here for a change we are going to see the satellite images of the 7 natural wonders of the world.So What are the sever wonders of the modern world? Let's see

google map earth view-new seven world wonders-google street view;world wonders-google map street view
New seven world wonders of modern world

A Switzerland based New7wonders foundation conducted a popularity poll to choose the new 7 wonders of the world.They examined over 200 existing monuments and announced the results in 2007 

Chichen Itza - Mexico

Chichen Itza Mexico is a collective ruins of Mayan culture in the Yucatan peninsula.The Cancun to Chichen Itza bus service connects the 197 km distance within 3 hours. It is a step pyramid at a height of 30m.The trip chichen itza will make you very tired when you visiting Chichen Itza. The entrance tickets of Chichen Itza  nearly cost 13 USD.  where to stay in Chichen Itza? 

chichen itza mapchichen itza equinox -chichen itzaday trip guide- where to stay in chichen itza- chichen itza things to do
Chichen Itza-Google maps

cancun to chichen  itza bus-mayan ruins- step  pyramid -visiting chichenitza -chichen itza mexico -chichen itza trip- chichen itza entrance fee

Christ the Redeemer statue - Brazil

Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil is a 30 m height Jesus statue situated in Rio city. The entrance fee for adults at Christ the Redeemer Rio de Janeiro is about 15.5 USD. This Jesus statue points out the peace,christian cross and Jesus saves the world.It is one of the tallest South america statue. 

Christ the Redeemer-  Christ the Redeemer Rio de Janeiro- Christ the Redeemer church- Christ the Redeemer statue Brazil- Jesus statue
Christ the Redeemer-Google maps

Christ the Redeemer statue- Brazil Jesus statue- South america statue

Great wall of China - China

How long is the great wall of china?.The great wall of china is a UNESCO world heritage site in China.It was built during Qin dynasty to defend the invasion of enemies. It runs nearly 21,196 kms across the China in the different region.The great wall of China is the only structure can be visible from moon. It is called as the golden wall Great China. Great wall!

The great wall of china-Great China's golden wall- Great wall
Great wall of china-Google maps

The great wall of china- Great China's golden wall- Great wall map

Machu picchu - Peru

Machu Picchu is a UNESCO heritage site in Peru of Inca civilization, located on Andes mountain ranges.The site can be found fully with Inca style (dry stones) of architecture. April to October is the best time for Machu picchu weather and this is the peak time.  Machu picchu travel, Inca trail to machu picchu hiking is a best thing in peru and it is one of the top rated sites.Planning to a trip to machu picchu?

Machu Picchu -Machu picchu weather
Machu Picchu-Google maps

inca trail to machu picchu- planning to a trip to machu picchu

Petra - Jordan

Petra,'The rose city of world' can be found with caves,temples and tombs were carved in pink sandstone.It was the capital of Nabatean kingdom and once became a part of Roman empire.Al-khazneh,Siq,treasury,Ad deir are the very important  places of Petra ,Jordan. Wadi Rum to  Aqaba Petra is one of the best way to reach this hot desert place. 

petra-amman jordan
Petra-Google maps

petra tour-petra hotels

Taj Mahal - India

Where is Taj Mahal? The Taj Mahal,a symbol of love was built by Emperor Shajahan for his wife Mumtaz. Actually the ivory white marble structure is a tomb of Mumtaz.It is located in Agra India and on the bank of river Yamuna.It is easily accessible through trains from New Delhi to Agra.The tickets for Taj mahal is available in online.You can see the beauty of Taj Mahal on full moon day.
taj mahal-white marble-world wonder
Taj Mahal-Google maps

where is tajmahal-agra india

The Roman Colosseum - Italy

The Roman Colosseum is a oval shaped theater in the center of ancient city Rome.It was built by mixed stuffs and it is the largest amphitheater ever built.In ancient history it was used for gladiator games and funeral to honor the dead.It can hold up to 65,000  audience.Rome Colosseum tickets What is  inside the roman Colosseum?

roman colosseum
The Roman Colosseum-Google maps

Inside the roman colossum-colosseum rome italy

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